Sunday, May 6, 2007


The inquiries are pouring in because some scientists are ever more willing to say yes, perhaps we can. Last month a well-known infertility specialist, Panayiotis Zavos of the University of Kentucky, announced that he and Italian researcher Severino Antinori, the man who almost seven years ago helped a 62-year-old woman give birth using donor eggs, were forming a consortium to produce the first human clone. Researchers in South Korea claim they have already created a cloned human embryo, though they destroyed it rather than implanting it in a surrogate mother to develop. Recent cover stories in Wired and the New York Times Magazine tracked the efforts of the Raelians, a religious group committed to, among other things, welcoming the first extraterrestrials when they appear. They intend to clone the cells of a dead 10-month-old boy whose devastated parents hope, in effect, to bring him back to life as a newborn. The Raelians say they have the lab and the scientists, and--most important, considering the amount of trial and error involved--they say they have 50 women lined up to act as surrogates to carry a cloned baby to term.


Alicyn said...

How sad. Those poor parents, so desperate to heal the pain of losing their child that they hope to re-create him. Of course, the science of cloning is only going to duplicate the DNA of that 10-month old baby...not bring him back to life. I'm curious about the 50+ surrogates too...are they fame seekers or do they believe in the cause and would be interesting to hear their stories too.

Aaron said...

This is an interesting way to possibly use human cloning that I have never heard of. Although I am against human cloning, in this situation it could actually be useful and ethical. It would be a nice way to help devastated parents who otherwise will lose their beloved child. Women carrying a baby to term that is cloned is a different issue altogether and is something that should not happen. Human cloning in this way is not an appropriate use of this new technology. This is just a new way technology has improved so much that we are pushing ethical boundaries.